Ivy Fan-Chiang - Command Line Cheatsheet
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    Task Windows PowerShell Linux/MacOS Bash
    Change Working Directory cd [path]
    Set-Location [path]
    cd [path]
    Print Current Working Directory pwd
    List Files in Working Directory ls
    List Files in Specific Directory ls [folder_path]
    Get-ChildItem [folder_path]
    ls [folder_path]
    List Hidden Files ls -hidden
    Get-ChildItem -hidden
    ls --all
    ls -a
    List Files with Details ls --long
    ls -l
    List Recursively ls -recurse
    Get-ChildItem -recurse
    ls -R

    File Management

    Task Windows PowerShell Linux/MacOS Bash
    Delete File rm [path]
    Remove-Item [path]
    rm [path]
    Delete Folder Recursively rm -Recurse [path]
    Remove-Item -Recurse [path]
    rm -r [path]
    Move File mv [source] [destination]
    Move-Item [source] [destination]
    mv [source] [destination]
    Rename File mv [filepath] [filepath_with_new_name] ,
    Move-Item [filepath] [filepath_with_new_name]
    Rename-Item [filepath] [new_name]
    mv [filepath] [filepath_with_new_name]
    Copy File cp [source] [destination]
    Copy-Item [source] [destination]
    cp [source] [destination]
    Copy Directory Recursively cp -Recurse [source] [destination]
    Copy-Item -Recurse [source] [destination]
    cp -R [source] [destination]
    Create Folder mkdir [path]
    ni -ItemType directory [path]
    New-Item -ItemType directory [path]
    mkdir [path]
    Create Empty File ni [path]
    New-Item [path]
    touch [path ]
    Print Text File to Console cat [file]
    Get-Content [file]
    cat [file]
    Determine File-type file [file]
    Create Symbolic Link New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path [link] -Target [file] ln -s [file] [link]
    Create Hard Link New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path [link] -Target [file] ln [file] [link]



    Task Windows PowerShell Linux
    List Services Get-Service systemctl list-units
    Service Status Get-Service -Name [service] systemctl status [service]
    Start Service Start-Service -Name [service] sudo systemctl start [service]
    Stop Service Stop-Service -Name [service] sudo systemctl stop [service]
    Restart Service Restart-Service -Name [service] sudo systemctl restart [service]
    Enable Service to Run On Boot Set-Service -Name [service] -StartupType Automatic sudo systemctl enable [service]
    Disable Service From Running on Boot Set-Service -Name [service] -StartupType Manual sudo systemctl disable [service]


    Task Windows PowerShell MacOS/Linux
    List Processes Get-Process ps aux
    Stop Process (PID) Stop-Process -Id [PID] kill [PID]
    Stop Process (Name) Stop-Process -Name [name] killall [name]

    Package Managers

    Task winget (Windows) scoop (Windows) chocolatey (Windows) Homebrew (MacOS/Linux) apt (Debian/Ubuntu) DNF (Fedora/RHEL) pacman (Arch Linux) swupd (Clear Linux) Flatpak (Linux) Snap (Linux)
    Install Package winget install [package] scoop install [package] choco install [package] brew install [package] sudo apt install [package] sudo dnf install [package] sudo pacman -S [package]
    sudo pacman -S [repo]/[package]
    sudo swupd bundle-add [package] flatpak install [package] sudo snap install [package]
    Uninstall Package winget uninstall [package] scoop uninstall [package] choco uninstall [package] brew uninstall [package] sudo apt remove [package]
    sudo apt purge [package] *
    sudo dnf remove [package] sudo pacman -Rs [package] sudo swupd bundle-remove [package] flatpak uninstall [package] sudo snap remove [package]
    Update Package winget upgrade [package] scoop update [package] choco upgrade [package] brew upgrade [package] sudo dnf upgrade [package] flatpak update [package] sudo snap refresh [package]
    Search Packages winget search [query] scoop search [query] choco search [query] brew search [query] apt search [query] sudo dnf search [query] pacman -Ss [query] sudo swupd search [query] flatpak search [query] snap find [query]
    Package Information winget show [package] scoop info [query] choco info [package] brew info [package] apt show [package] sudo dnf info [package] pacman -Si [package] flatpak info [package] snap info [package]
    Update Package Index/Check for Updates sudo apt update sudo pacman -Sy sudo swupd check-update
    Update All Packages winget upgrade --all choco upgrade all brew update sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt dist-upgrade **
    sudo dnf upgrade sudo pacman -Su
    sudo pacman -Syu ***
    sudo swupd update flatpak update sudo snap refresh
    List Installed Packages winget list scoop list choco list --local-only brew list apt list --installed sudo dnf list installed pacman -Q sudo swupd bundle-list flatpak list snap list

    * apt purge uninstalls and removes all configuration files

    ** apt dist-upgrade updates all packages and replaces obsolete packages with newer replacements

    *** pacman -Syu combines updating the package index and upgrading all packages


    Task Windows PowerShell MacOS Linux
    Show IP Address Get-NetIPAddress
    ifconfig ip address
    ip a
    View Routing Table Get-NetRoute netstat -rn ip route show
    ip r
    Ping ping [host]
    Test-Connection -ComputerName [host]
    ping [host] ping [host]
    Trace Route Test-NetConnection -ComputerName [host] -TraceRoute traceroute [host] traceroute [host]
    DNS Lookup Resolve-DnsName [domain] dig [domain] dig [domain]
    View Open Ports lsof -i -P -n lsof -i -P -n


    Version Control


    GitHub Education Git Cheatsheet



    Task Command
    Compile .java file javac [file]
    Run .class file java [classname]
    Run .jar program java -jar [jar_file]
    Create .jar file jar cfe [jar_file] [main_class] [included_files]
    Open Java REPL (JDK9+) jshell


    Task Command
    Open Python REPL python
    Run Python script or .pyc program python [file]
    Run library module python -m [module]
    Compile Python script to .pyc python -m compileall [script]


    Task Command
    Start a Node.js REPL node
    Run a JavaScript file node [file]